As the fluorine concentration increases (as determined by XPS measure­ ments), the concentration of localized carriers increases, consistent with the in­ crease in disorder [42]. The concentration of unpaired localized spins can thus be determined from xCO and the results are given in Table 4. The low concen­ tration of unpaired localized spins per carbon atom is consistent with the large

Figure 36 Temperature-dependent ESR susceptibility of the CXF fibers in the temperature range 10 K < T < 300 K. An increase is observed at low temper­ ature for all fibers, except for C6 6F, consistent with its metallic character. (From Ref. 69.)

localization length (^1000 A in C3.iF) measured in transport experiments [42]. Since the localization length is large, and the intrastate Coulomb repulsion is small, most localized states are doubly occupied.