In industrial cells, the evolution of fluorine takes place on carbon anode; there­ fore, in this chapter we consider only this kind of material. In the overall voltage applied to the cells («* 9 V), about 3 V corresponds to the anodic overvoltage. As mentioned in Section IV.A, very low values of the charge transfer coefficient and exchange current density are obtained from Tafel plots. Significant improve­ ments in the fluorine production process may be obtained by a better under­ standing of the electrochemical mechanism. A mechanism including electron transfer by tunnel effect through a passive layer of graphite fluoride CF* is described in Section IV.A.2. The exact nature of the passive film and the kinetics of the film growth are reviewed in Sections IV.B and IV.C, and the electro­ chemical study of the C/CFJKF • 2HF system in Section IV.D.