Radical Concrete Technology. Edited by R K Dhir and P C Hewlett. Published in 1996 by E & FN Spon, 2-6 Boundary Row, London SE1 8HN, UK. ISBN 0 419 21480 1. ABSTRACT. This study shows how to obtain high strength concrete combined into hydraulic binding elaborated from granulated slag, base and aggregates. Basic binding presents a mixture of two components in which silico-aluminuous is presented by granulated slag finely crushed and the alcaline component composed of basic metals giving an alkaline reaction in water. Concrete made up from basic slag possesses high physico-mechanic properties, such as resistance to corrosive agents, is water-proof and capable of hardening at low and high temperatures. Binding and basic concrete harden at naturel conditions including negative temperatures under treatment conditions by heat into stream (drying) and autoclave; they can also be used for thermic treatment at low energy consumption, at a temperature of 30 to 50°C.