Radical Concrete Technology. Edited by R K Dhir and P C Hewlett. Published in 1996 by E & FN Spon, 2-6 Boundary Row, London SE1 8HN, UK. ISBN 0 419 21480 1. ABSTRACT. This paper briefly discusses the history of the development of prestressed high-strength concrete (PHC) piles in China. It also includes the manufacturing technology and the important characteristics of the manufacturing process. Then we talk about the quality control and its level of raw material, concrete and the ultimate piles. The last part is the study and application of replacing part of the cement with ground ordinary building sand. Keywords: PHC piles, Manufacturing technology, Quality control, Autoclave curing, Centrifugal casting, Ground sand. Mr Yan Zhilong is a vice professor in Concrete Technology, Southeast University, China. Now he is chief engineer and vice general manager in YangCheng Pile Co. Ltd. He specialises in the technology and quality control of concrete, prestressed concrete and its products, with particular reference to the research, production, application and development of PHC piles. Mr Huang Shaojiang is an engineer in Concrete Technology. And he is general manager and director in YangCheng Pile Co. Ltd. He has much experience in commodity concrete, design of concrete construction and plant management. Mr Zhang Jiechun is a Master of Science in Concrete Technology and manager of the Technology Unit in YangCheng Pile Co. Ltd. He specialises in the technology and quality control of high-strength concrete and its products.