Radical Concrete Technology. Edited by R K Dhir and P C Hewlett. Published in 1996 by E & FN Spon, 2-6 Boundary Row, London SE1 8HN, UK. ISBN 0 419 21480 1. ABSTRACT. This study is aiming to compile the knowledge about durability of sprayed concrete and to elucidate the areas were further research is needed. The study is treating materials, additions, additives and their effect on durability. Further are factors like bond, cracking, freeze-thaw action, corrosion and leaching and their effect also included. In areas where little or no information specific for sprayed concrete is available, parallels with conventional concrete are drawn. The processes for durability should be fairly similar. Except from performance are the differences mainly the w/c-ratio (affects permeability) and the usage of accelerators for concrete sprayed with the wet-process.