This chapter provides an overview of each of the associated technologies and their current state of the art and describes examples of how global approaches are being applied to the development of chemical warfare agent (CWA) countermeasures. If metabolomic work has been done on the key metabolic product peaks, this information can open avenues for research to reveal more complete mechanisms of toxicity and potential biochemical points for developing effective CWA countermeasures. Genomics, transcriptomics, and gene expression profiling are all related to studying gene expression of hundreds to thousands of genes simultaneously from a single biological sample. Large-scale genome sequencing projects, such as the Human Genome Project, have revolutionized applied biology and toxicology. In addition, identifying exposure to and effects of low levels of CWA has been problematic. Genomic, proteomic, and metabolic technologies provide a new way to uncover novel biomarkers for rapid and accurate force health protection and monitorin.