The crosswalk where Kristy was hit is mid-block on a 25-mile-per-hour residential street in front of a high school. This crosswalk had no traffic calming measures such as a stop sign, traffic light, pedestrian activated flashing lights, narrowing of the road for shorter crossing distance, or speed bumps. In-road lights at crosswalks are particularly useful for warning of marked school crosswalks and marked midblock crosswalks. A Fairview City traffic engineer oversaw the traffic operations group and received notice in many forms that the subject crosswalk was unsafe. A former Fairview City public works engineer testified in a deposition about the information the city had received about this crosswalk prior to the subject incident. A human factors (HF) consultant can provide expertise concerning perception, reaction, visibility, environmental design features and their interactions. Specifically, HF experts try to determine what features of the environment and what individual characteristics contribute to an incident.