Right from the beginning of its domestication during the 16th century, the overall improvement in productivity and enhanced quality of fruits in strawberries have largely been due to the untiring efforts of plant breeders and amateurs in developing trait-specific varieties. Being genetically precocious, strawberry has become a choice crop for large, marginal and small farmers alike. Further, the technology for soilless culture has made it possible to cultivate strawberries across the geographical regions in controlled climatic conditions. Availability of climate-specific varieties has facilitated the culture and, therefore, availability of strawberries round the year. The growers’ choice of strawberry varieties depends largely on traits such as resistance to pests and diseases, adaptability to specific climatic conditions, long reproductive phase for higher yield of better-quality fruits, etc. According to Spangelo (1962), the following characteristics should be considered in selecting the varieties:

high yielding and stable berry size even after the third picking

firm fruit and good appearance after shipping

good dessert quality

good processing quality such as bright red surface of fruit peel and flesh, easily removable hulls, fruits of uniform, medium size, ability to retain fruit shape, firm but tender texture, good flavour and minimum trimming waste

suitable time of ripening

good resistance of or tolerance to diseases and pests