Approximately 80% of the population of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) depends on agriculture for food, income and employment (WDR, 2008). However, the agricultural sector is characterized by very low productivity, leading to very high poverty levels and undernourishment. Approximately 300 million people live below the poverty line in SSA (WDR, 2008). The incidence and severity of poverty is highest in rural areas, where over 70% of the households are poor (WDR, 2008). Approximately 51% of the population is food insecure, and malnutrition is pervasive in many households due to low intake of carbohydrates, proteins and micronutrients. The World Development Report (2008) concludes that accelerating agricultural growth through increased smallholder production, integrated with the development of the rural non-farming sector and markets will lead to a significant reduction of poverty and improvement in the living conditions of poor households in rural and urban areas.