Management of rice insect pests E. A. Heinrichs, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA; F. Nwilene, The Africa Rice Center, Nigeria; M. Stout, Louisiana State University, USA; B. Hadi, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), The Philippines; and T. Freitas, Universidade Federal Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

1 Introduction

2 Overview of concepts and options for integrated pest management (IPM) of rice

3 Cultural practices in rice IPM

4 Promoting natural enemies of rice pests: conservation biological control

5 Augmentative biological control

6 Selective use of insecticides

7 Dissemination mechanisms for rice IPM

8 References

Rice, the daily food of nearly half the world’s population, is the foundation of national stability and economic growth in many developing countries. It is the source of one quarter of global food energy and – for the world’s poor – the largest food source. It is also the single largest use of land for producing food and the biggest employer and income generator for rural people in the developing world. Rice production has been described as the single most important economic activity on Earth. Because rice occupies approximately 9% of the planet’s arable land, it is also a key area of concern – and of opportunity – in environmental protection.