The anterior superior iliac spine can be seen and felt easily; the pubic tubercle cannot be seen but can be felt.

8.1. Surface features of the front and left side of the left thigh

Pubic tubercle

•Saphenous opening

Rectus femoris

Femoral canal

Femoral vein •

Anterior superior iliac spine

• Inguinal ligament

• Tensor fasciae latae

• Sartorius

• Iliotibial tract

• Femoral nerve •

Femoral artery

8.3. Femoral region of the right thigh in the male

Inguinal ligament

Spermatic cord

Femoral nerve

Position of femoral canal

Entry of great saphenous vein

Tensor fasciae latae

Femoral artery

Femoral vein

• Sartorius

•Rectus femoris

8.2. Surface features of the lower back and gluteal region


Gluteal injection site

Gluteus maximus

Fold of buttock (gluteal fold)

• Natal cleft

• Iliac crest

Greater trochanter of femur

• Posterior superior iliac spine

Ischial tuberosity•

Sciatic nerve


8.4. Superficial dissection of the upper right thigh in the

male. There is a large varicosity at the upper end of the

great saphenous vein.