In November 1999, after several years of pre-implementation planning and extensive discussions among both non-profit agencies delivering alternative measures and leaders at all levels of the justice system, Nova Scotia launched its ambitious restorative justice initiative. The central objective was to have the restorative justice approach operationalised in different strategic ways, phased in by offender status and by region, and applicable to all offences and all offenders throughout the province. Compared with other Canadian restorative justice initiatives, the Nova Scotia model is unusual not only in its scope but also in its mixture of core paid staff and volunteers, and its province-wide coordination. Initial research indicated that however well funded, prepared and institutionalised, the restorative justice initiative would have to deal with two major ‘walls’ limiting and marginalising its impact on the justice system. These ‘walls’ were the uncertain engagement of post-charge, post-police, criminal justice system role-players, and the hesitant support and participation of victims and community leaders advocating on behalf of victims. This chapter examines the processes and outcomes associated with implementation to date, especially highlighting process issues and the successes and challenges in penetrating these ‘walls’. The chapter draws upon an extensive and in-depth evaluation that the author has been conducting of the Nova Scotia initiative.