Some Sufi orders feel that they emerged from early Moslem leaders who were mystics and approached Divine through the heart rather than having to analyze everything ad infinitum. Some of these orders include Nashqabandi and Bektasi, Some say that Sufism started with Jelalluddin Rumi in the twelfth century. He was an Islamic teacher of law in Konya, Turkey. His family had escaped Afghanistan due to Ghengis Khans spreading empire. The easiest way to describe the basic teachings of Western or “Universal” Sufism is to quote the “Ten Sufi Thoughts.” Breath is considered to be an important healing tool. The slow breaths used by mothers giving birth in this country are considered to help one to stay in balance, especially if the in breath is through the nose. For Sufis, diet runs the gamut and is more closely related to the individuals personal religious beliefs, dietary inclinations, and any health issues, the last of which should be known by medical staff.