The structure of the didactic material, or more technically of the e-content is of particular importance in designing any automated learning system (see [1-9]). In the present paper a structured knowledge environment is proposed. A novel AKBMS configuration is proposed while the design objective of the proposed AKBMS is formulated in the form of an optimization criterion under constraints

2. Segments of Knowledge

To analyze knowledge, the term atom of knowledge is introduced. The word atom comes from the Greek word "atomo" that means the undividable object and it can be used to describe the elementary particles of any composition. Depending upon the level of education and the theme, the knowledge can be divided to different atoms of knowledge. Clearly, the larger amount of information is included to each atom of knowledge the higher is the level of education. The atoms of knowledge are denoted by Oj,..., an . Clearly, the atoms of knowledge are finite. Any other element of knowledge can fairly be considered to be generated by appropriate atoms of knowledge.