A comprehensive understanding of the relationship between mag-

netism and superconductivity in the Fe-based superconductors,

discovered in 2008 by Hideo Hosono and collaborators [Kamihara

et al. (2008)], ultimately requires an analysis of the magnetic ground states in these compounds and their evolution with

doping. In particular, the origin of magnetism in the FeSC parent

compounds is hotly debated especially because it is believed that

the same magnetic interactions that drive the magnetic ordering

also produce the Cooper-pairing [Hirschfeld et al. (2011)]. The

phase diagram of ferropnictides (FPs) is similar to high-Tc cuprates

and contains an antiferromagnetic (AF) phase in close proximity

to the superconducting (SC) one. Most iron-based superconductors

exhibit an AF state at low carrier concentrationswhich is suppressed

with doping, pressure, or disorder allowing for the emergence of

superconductivity. This shows strong similarities to the generic

cuprate phase diagram and is evidence for the interplay of

magnetism and superconductivity in the Fe-based materials. There

are two important distinctions, however. First, parent compounds

of iron-based superconductors are antiferromagnetic metals, and second, the superconducting pairing symmetry in most of the

materials is, most likely, an extended s-wave, with or without nodes [Hirschfeld et al. (2011)]. The electronic structure of parent FPs in the normal state has been measured by angle-resolved

photoemission (ARPES) [Liu et al. (2008); Terashima et al. (2009); Zabolotnyy et al. (2009); Yang et al. (2009); Lu et al. (2008); Ding et al. (2011)] and by magneto-oscillations [Coldea et al. (2008); Carrington (2011)]. Both agree largely with ab-initio band structure calculations [Singh and Du (2008); Boeri et al. (2008)]. It consists of two quasi-two-dimensional near-circular hole pockets of unequal

size, centered around the -point (0,0), and two quasi-2D elliptic

electron pockets centered around (0,π) and (π,0) points in the

unfolded Brillouin zone (BZ) which includes only Fe atoms. For

tetragonal symmetry, the two electron pockets transform into each

other under rotation by 90◦. In the folded BZ, which is used for experimental measurements because of two nonequivalent As

positions with respect to an Fe plane, both electron pockets are

centered around (π, π). The dispersions near electron pockets and

near hole pockets are reasonably close to each other apart from the

sign change, i.e., there is a substantial degree of nesting between hole

and electron bands. One has to mention that nesting of electron and

hole bands is not always present in iron-based superconductors and

we comment on these systems at the end of this chapter.