Recently, it has become possible to study individual dopants using

transport spectroscopy [3, 4, 31, 38]. This opportunity emerged as

a natural consequence of the effort of the semiconductor industry

to overcome the fundamental limitations of classical device geome-

tries. A promising candidate geometry to solve problems that limit

scaling, such as short-channel effects and drain-induced barrier

lowering, is the fin field-effect transistor (FinFET). Interestingly,

this geometry has enabled the investigation of electron occupation,

excited-state spectra, the binding energy, and the effect of a nearby

interface of single-donor atoms. This research has been driven,

in large part, by the promises of a single-atom-based quantum

computer, which utilizes individually gated dopants positioned close

to an interface as a two-level system. In particular, a specific

architecture has been proposed that allows for quantum control

over the interactions aswell as the coherent evolution [16, 19]. More

recently, innovative semiclassical logic schemes that take advantage

of the orbital structure or just the charge degree of freedom of single

dopants have been proposed [6, 20, 26]. In all these schemes, one of

the key aspects is the understanding and control of thewavefunction

of a single-atom dopant.