Due to the rapidly shrinking device sizes, modern-day metal-oxide-

semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) already have a few

discrete dopants governing the current-voltage characteristics in

the subthreshold regime [21]. Besides their role in conventional

electronics, dopants are also finding their use in novel quantum

technology. A single phosphorus donor in silicon has been proposed

as the building block of a scalable quantum computer compatible

with the current processing infrastructure of the semiconductor

industry [10]. Arrays of donors patterned by scanning tunneling

microscopes [27] have already been used to make some of the

smallest devices ever developed, such as the world’s thinnest

nanowire [32] and the smallest transistors [7]. To understand all

these donor-based quantum devices under a unified framework, we

need to understand how the donor electron responds to external

electric fields from nearby electrodes.