It is clear that well-defined geometry is one of the important fac-

tors requisite for enhanced light-harvesting efficiency and/or ultra-

fast vectorial electron transfer in natural and artificial systems.

With this idea in mind, we have elaborated the formation (in

solutions and polymeric PMMA films at 293 K) various types of self-

assembled nanoscale multiporphyrin arrays of controllable geome-

try and composition (up to 8 tetrapyrroles) using non-covalent two-

fold binding interactions of the meso-phenyl-bridged ZnOEP chem-

ical dimers or trimers, (ZnOEP)2Ph or (ZnOEP)3Ph2, with di-and

tetrapyridyl-substituted tetrapyrrole extra-ligands. The dynamics

and mechanisms of relaxation processes (energy and charge

transfer) in multiporphyrin arrays as a function of redox and photo-

physical properties of interacting subunits have been studied in sol-

vents of various polarity and temperature (77-293 K), using static,

time-resolved picosecond fluorescent and femtosecond pump-probe
