An important challenge of the modern scientific research is oriented

in promoting the establishment of cheap and renewable energy

sources. The most appealing and promising technology is solar

based, that is, photovoltaics (PVs). Recently, thanks to the impressive

results achieved in the field of nanotechnologies and the advent of

new nanomaterials, new nanocrystal (NC)-based solar cells have

been proposed. The employment of NCs in solar cell devices can,

in principle, lead to photoconversion efficiency higher than the

one obtainable in single junction systems, also when low-grade

(inexpensive) materials, with low production costs and low-energy

consumption, are adopted. In these systems the possibility to

control optoelectronic properties by size, shape, and compositions

manipulations, and to exploit new nondissipative recombination

mechanisms, represents one of the most used routes to develop

and create new materials that can be integrated into existing

devices in order to extend the portion of sunlight frequency

available for photon-to-current conversion. A detailed analysis of

both radiative and nonradiative recombination mechanisms as

well as of the electron-phonon scattering processes allows us to

identify microscopic parameters that can be tuned to improve

solar cell performances and to design innovative devices with

properties modelled to satisfy specific requirements for solar

energy applications. In this context, numerical calculations can

be used to give a detailed description of electronic and optical

excitations in both k-dispersive and low-dimensional nanosystems,

with an accuracy that complements experimental observations.

The possibility offered by theoretical simulations to isolate single

decay paths and to quantify their relevance is fundamental to both

understand microscopic properties of quantum dot (QD)-based

solar cell devices and to support the design of new PV devices. In

low-dimensional systems, quantum confinement is responsible for a

significant enhancement of carrier-carrier Coulomb interaction that

is the main mechanism at the base of both the carrier multiplication

(CM) (also called multiple-exciton generation [MEG]) and the Auger

recombination (AR) effects. CM is a Coulomb driven nonradiative

recombination mechanism that results in the generation of multiple

electron-hole (e-h) pairs after absorption of a single photon. In this

process an excited electron (hole) decays to a lower energy state

in the conduction band (valence band) by transferring its excess

energy to (at least) one electron that is excited across the band gap

(from an occupied state in the valence band to an empty state in the

conduction band; see Fig. 6.1). Obviously CM is permitted only when

the excess energy of the carrier igniting the process (initial carrier)

exceeds the energy gap (Eg) of the system (CM threshold≥ 2Eg). Understanding which conditions yield to an efficient CM dynam-

ics is of fundamental importance in order to harvest photons excess

energy and convert it into additional e-h pairs, increasing thus

solar cell photocurrent and boosting the maximum theoretical PV

efficiency over the so called Shockley-Queisser (SQ) limit (for more

details see Chapter 1).