Due to the broadcast nature of the wireless channel, information

transmitted over a wireless network can be accessed by unautho-

rized users, also referred to as eavedroppers. Ensuring that only

the legitimate receiver will be able to decipher the transmitted

information has been traditionally achieved by cryptographic

approaches operating at various layers of the network protocol

stack, e.g., WEP (LAN, 1990), at the link layer, SET (SET, 1997),

at the application layer, IPSec (IPSec, 2000), at the network layer,

TLS/SSL (SSL, 1996), and WTLS (WAP, 2002) at the transport layer.

However, cryptographic protocols, mainly developed for wireline

networks, impose significant challenges to wireless devices, which

typically have limited resources. They require significant storage

overhead (Liu et al., 2006) and computational power, thus impacting

battery life (Potlapally et al., 2006). Further, they rely on secret

keys, and key distribution and management over wireless networks

is difficult and expensive (NIST Report, 2009). It should be noted

that a cryptographic approach does not prevent an unauthorized

user from receiving the transmitted packet; it just makes it

computationally difficult for the unauthorized user to decrypt the

message contained in the packets.