Throughout the globe, STEM careers exist. However, in some countries, particular STEM careers have been male-dominated while in other countries no gender biases exist as it relates to STEM careers. One common trend which occurs throughout the world is that women who are working in these STEM related fields typically leave after about five years. Contrarily, it has also been uncovered that more women stay in these fields when we all work together.

Empowering Women in STEM: Working Together to Inspire the Future provides a platform to share the stories of those who have been in STEM careers but have pivoted to other areas by utilizing the STEM skills they learned. It bridges the gap between those who are thinking about entering or leaving STEM careers, along with those who want to encourage others into STEM careers. This book showcases how everyone’s journey is different, some may have unexpected twists and turns while others appear to conform to the "normal" rules outlined by society. By offering a front-row seat on a journey that takes many different paths, this book provides advice that can lead to a STEM career with or without having a STEM background. The different roads taken are highlighted to show how everyone’s path is unique and how that is okay.

With the upcoming generation constantly looking for ways to "fit in" or be able to identify with role models to help them chart their way forward, this book ensures that they have not just one, but a variety of role models and success stories to relate to. It also offers some key advice which can be applied to any field they choose. In addition to having women and men from across the globe share their stories about various fields, this book also is written for professionals who may be considering a switch of career or deciding to leave STEM, and for university students who are trying to figure out their career choices and paths to take to gain more insight into possible new career goals in STEM.

part Section I|60 pages

Inspiring the Future

part Section II|68 pages

Non-Traditional Paths

chapter 7|8 pages

STEM with Mr N

STEM Communication, Awards, and the Power of STEM Advocates

chapter 8|4 pages

Increasing UPTIME

The Journey from Banking to Engineering

chapter 9|5 pages

Unexpected Paths, Endless Possibilities

A Journey of Integration between Literature and STEM

chapter 11|9 pages

Exploring Innovation, STEM, and Entrepreneurship

A Journey of Learning and Growth

chapter 13|9 pages


How to Transform Headwinds to Tailwinds

chapter 15|5 pages

Dr. Kenya's Nonlinear Journey

The Intersection of Science, Education, and Policy

part Section III|69 pages

Leading the Way

chapter 16|10 pages

Women Redefining Work-Life Balance in STEM

Integrating Parenthood into the Equation

chapter 17|10 pages

Female AND an Engineer?

Exploring the Gender-Occupation Identity Dilemma in Engineering

chapter 18|7 pages

Allow Them to Answer the Call

chapter 21|10 pages

The Complex Reality

Unraveling the Underrepresentation of Women in STEM