The Forensic Aspects of Hypoglycaemia succinctly covers the medicolegal considerations of hypoglycaemia in a variety of scenarios including driving fatalities, petty crime, homicide and suicide. Covering the definitions and diagnosis of hypoglycaemia to its bearing on criminal behavior, this book draws on the author's extensive experience and contains a wealth of information for physicians and lawyers, including cases from the author's past and notable cases in the public domain.

chapter 2|21 pages

Petty Crime

chapter 3|17 pages

Violence and Aggression

chapter 4|30 pages

Accident and Negligence

chapter 6|27 pages

Driving Offences

chapter 10|32 pages

Murder; Single Individuals

chapter 13|11 pages


chapter 14|12 pages

Frequently Asked Questions

chapter 15|4 pages

Expert Witness