This book critically explores the legal tools, concepts, principles and instruments, as well as cross-cutting issues, that comprise the field of international environmental law. Commencing with foundational elements, progressing on to discrete sub-fields, then exploring regional cooperative approaches, cross-cutting issues and finally emerging challenges for international environmental law, it features chapters by leading experts in the field of international environmental law, drawn from a range of countries in order to put forward a truly global approach to the subject.

The book is split into five parts:

• The foundations of international environmental law covering the principles of international environmental law, standards and voluntary commitments, sustainable development, issues of public participation and environmental rights and compliance, state responsibility, liability and dispute settlement.

• The key instruments and governance arrangements across the most critical areas of international environmental law: biodiversity, wildlife, freshwater, forestry and soils, fisheries, marine pollution, chemicals and waste, air and atmospheric pollution and climate change.

• Crucial developments in seven distinct regions of the world: Africa, Europe, North America, Latin America, South East Asia, the polar regions and small island states.

• Cross-cutting issues and multidisciplinary developments, drawing from multiple other fields of law and beyond to address human rights and Indigenous rights, war and armed conflict, trade, financing, investment, criminology, technology and energy.

• Contemporary challenges and the emerging international environmental law regimes which address these: the changing climate, forced migration, marine plastic debris and future directions in international environmental law.

Containing chapters on the most critical developments in environmental law in recent years, this comprehensive and authoritative book makes for an essential reference work for students, scholars and practitioners working in the field.

part II|131 pages

Key issues and legal frameworks

chapter 9|14 pages

International Wildlife Law

chapter 10|14 pages

International Freshwater Law

chapter 12|16 pages

Marine Environmental Law

UNCLOS, ocean governance and fisheries

chapter 14|14 pages

Regulating Toxic Chemicals, Pesticides, and Hazardous Wastes

A TWAIL approach to the BRS legal regime for a detoxified future

part III|107 pages

Regional environmental law

part IV|115 pages

Cross-cutting issues

chapter 27|17 pages

Investment Law and the Environment

Evolving international practice and norms

chapter 28|13 pages

Crime and the Environment

chapter 30|11 pages

Nuclear Energy and International Environment Law

Points of intersection and integration

part V|53 pages

Contemporary and future challenges