This volume investigates forms of normativity through the phenomenological methods of description, analysis, and interpretation. It takes a broad approach to norms, covering not only rules and commands but also goals, values, and passive drives and tendencies.

Part I "Basic Perspectives" begins with an overview of the phenomena of normativity and then clarifies the constitution of norms by Husserlian and Heideggerian concepts. It offers phenomenological alternatives to the neo-Kantian and neo-Hegelian approaches that dominate contemporary debates on the "sources of normativity." Part II "From Perception to Imagination" turns to the normativity of three basic types of experiences. This part first sheds light on the normativity of perception and then illuminates the kind of normativity characteristic of imagination and drive intentionality. Part III "Social Dimensions" analyzes the norms that regulate the formation of practical communities. It takes a broad view of practical norms, discussing social and moral norms as well as the epistemic norms of scientific practices. By clarifying the divergences and interrelations between various types and levels of norms, the volume demonstrates that normativity is not one phenomenon but a complex set of various phenomena with multiple sources.

Contemporary Phenomenologies of Normativity: Norms, Goals, and Values will be of interest to researchers and advanced students working on issues of normativity in phenomenology, epistemology, ethics, and social philosophy.

part I|87 pages

Basic Perspectives

chapter 1|24 pages

Varieties of Normativity

Norms, Goals, Values

chapter 2|23 pages

Methodological Atheism

An Essay in the Second-Person Phenomenology of Commitment

chapter 3|21 pages

What Is Moral Normativity?

A Phenomenological Critique and Redirection of Korsgaard's Normative Question

part II|75 pages

From Perception to Imagination

chapter 5|19 pages

On the Phenomenology and Normativity of Multisensory Perception

Husserlian and Merleau-Pontian Analyses

chapter 6|18 pages

Normativity in Perception

chapter 8|23 pages

The Normativity of the Imagination

Its Critical Import 1

part III|71 pages

Social Dimensions

chapter 9|16 pages

Feckless Prisoners of Their Times

Historicism and Moral Reflection

chapter 10|20 pages

(Re)turning to Normality?

A Bottom-Up Approach to Normativity