This timely book advances a new vision for educational justice centered on the leadership activities, organizing efforts, and counternarratives of youth, parents, families, and communities of color and other groups who are seeking to transform local schools and communities across the United States. Bringing together scholars, activists, and leaders, this contributed volume presents cases and first-person narratives for readers to analyze in order to interrogate inequities facing communities and schools. By creating spaces for youth, family, and community leadership within schools and opening decision-making to include their input, leaders can support transformative, justice-oriented school change. This book is a critical teaching tool asking educators and administrators to reflect, learn, and re-imagine their practice and collaborate with other leaders in their communities.

part 1|48 pages

Situating Youth, Family, and Community Leadership

part 2|54 pages

Cases of Youth Leadership and Organizing

chapter 4|4 pages

The Story of Lent Leopard Leaders

An Elementary Youth Leader Narrative

chapter 5|4 pages

Growing with BSS

A Manual for Emmanuel

chapter 6|14 pages

Leading for Change

Engaging Elementary Youth Voice in an In-School Makerspace

chapter 8|15 pages

The Power of Alliances

A Case for Integrating Intersectionality into Social Justice Leadership

part 3|54 pages

Cases of Parent and Family Leadership and Organizing

chapter 9|5 pages

Becoming an Accidental Advocate for Transgender Students

A Parent Leadership Narrative

chapter 10|14 pages

“Siempre Hay un Apoyo”

Creating Humanizing Spaces amid an Anti-immigrant Climate through Muxerista Organizing

chapter 11|18 pages

Indigenous Youth and Families

From Schooling Contexts to Spaces of Stewardship and Resistance

part 4|55 pages

Cases of Community Organizing and Leadership

chapter 13|8 pages

Small Town, Big Talk

A Community Leadership Narrative

chapter 14|20 pages

“Hijacking a Public Process”

The School District and Community Activists in the Battle for Trustee Area Representation

chapter 15|20 pages

A Critical Piece of the Puzzle

Leveraging Community-Based Leadership to Address Educational Inequities