This companion demonstrates how art, craft, and visual culture education activate social imagination and action that is equity- and justice-driven. Specifically, this book provides arts-engaged, intersectional understandings of decolonization in the contemporary art world that cross disciplinary lines.

Visual and traditional essays in this book combine current scholarship with pragmatic strategies and insights grounded in the reality of socio-cultural, political, and economic communities across the globe. Across three sections (creative shorts, enacted encounters, and ruminative research), a diverse group of authors address themes of histories, space and land, mind and body, and the digital realm. Chapters highlight and illustrate how artists, educators, and researchers grapple with decolonial methods, theories, and strategies—in research, artmaking, and pedagogical practice. Each chapter includes discursive questions and resources for further engagement with the topics at hand.

The book is targeted towards scholars and practitioners of art education, studio art, and art history, K-12 art teachers, as well as artist educators and teaching artists in museums and communities.

chapter |12 pages


part I|83 pages

Creative Shorts

chapter 1|6 pages

A Is for Alphabet

Reimagining Language and Mastery as a Creative Meandering

chapter 3|7 pages

Angrez chale gaye, Angrezi chod gaye

Post-coloniality of Language

chapter 6|7 pages

Lutruwita/Tasmania's Fauna

Artistic Imaginings with Native Wildlife

chapter 7|8 pages

Reclaiming Dreams of Our Shared Future

Decolonizing Metanarratives around What Can/Should/Will Be through Imaginative Diegesis

chapter 8|7 pages

A Palimpsest of Pulverization in Occupied Palestine

Artistic Intervention as Counter-Representation on the Mediterranean Coast

chapter 9|11 pages

Time to Trespass

Annotations to 13 Appearances

chapter 10|3 pages

From Art to Artifact

A Sestina on Public Art Policy in Confederate Monument Removal Case Law 1

chapter 11|9 pages

Co-Creating Fine Arts Learning

Decolonial and Intersectional Strategies

chapter 12|7 pages

Hilando Historias y Territorios

Textile Cartography of Contemporary Indigenous Communities

part II|114 pages

Enacted Encounters

chapter 13|10 pages

In Fontaine's Footsteps

Students' Visual Essays Tackle the Difficult History of Canada's Indian Residential Schools

chapter 16|9 pages

Creating Máscar(a/illa)s

A Decolonizing Us-ing

chapter 17|9 pages

Decolonization of Theater Education

An Examination of the Collective Creative Process through Culturally Relevant Pedagogy

chapter 18|10 pages

Cultural Networking, Storytelling, and Zoom during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Conversations with African-Caribbeans on Using a Decolonized Digital Arts-Based Educational Platform

chapter 20|8 pages

Transgressive Enactments

Research-Creation as Anti-Colonial Praxis

chapter 21|7 pages

Outside the Classroom and Outside the Books

Extending the Classroom for “Antiessentialist” Curriculum

chapter 24|9 pages

Imagining Our Neighborhood of Nonhuman Residents

Sensorial Attunement as Ecological Aesthetic Inquiry

part III|164 pages

Ruminative Research

chapter 27|12 pages

Beyond the Veneer of Modernism

Aesthetics, Post-Africanity, and the “Multiversum” Narrative

chapter 28|12 pages

Exorcising the Colonialist

The Cuna Figures of the San Blas Islands and Other Forms of Mimesis and Mimicry

chapter 29|9 pages

A Critique of Grand Hegemony

Disrupting Historical Valuations of Public Space through Pervasive Gaming

chapter 30|12 pages

Art Education and Entangled Knowledge in the Digital Age

Learning from Tabita Rezaire's Premium Connect

chapter 33|16 pages


A Borderlands Approach to Curating, Art Practice, and Teaching

chapter 35|11 pages

Decolonizing Blood, Body, and Brain

From the Visual Practices of Jonathan Kim