Since its founding in 2011, the Research Center on the Commons and Sustainable Society has been at the forefront of Commons Research in South Korea. This book brings together the discoveries and insights the Center has produced in its first decade, as a contribution to international commons research and to the understanding of the commons in South Korea particularly.

Divided into five main parts, the book charts the course of commons research in South Korea. Part I surveys the historical background to commons thinking through the course of its foundation as a dictator-led developmental state through to its current democratic and neoliberal status quo. Following on from this, Part II looks at how diverse commons perspectives have taken root during this period. Part III then analyses the various specific fields through which commons research in Korea has grown. After this, Part IV presents the fruits of this commons research—the alternative policies and social actions that have been proposed for Korean society. Lastly, Part V addresses the remaining challenges which ongoing commons research in Korea is seeking to address.

An insightful resource for scholars of both Korean political economy and commons studies more broadly.

chapter |10 pages


part I|48 pages

The historical and social context of the rise of commons perspectives in South Korea

part II|50 pages

Competing and cooperating views in Korean perspectives on the commons

chapter 4|12 pages

Sunureum as traditional commoning in Jeju

Reinterpretation of Jeju's livestock culture 1

part III|56 pages

The fields of the commons in South Korea

chapter 7|25 pages

Decision-making structure on village commons and common management 1 , 2

The case of Haengwon-ri, Jeju

chapter 8|16 pages

Formation and deprivation of the commons

Case of the Gyeonguiseon Commons and its implications

chapter 9|13 pages

Knowledge commons movement in the humanities and social sciences in South Korea 1

A case study on the Knowledge Commoning Association in South Korea

part IV|46 pages

Commons-based alternatives in South Korea

chapter 12|19 pages

A study on introducing a youth dividend to Jeju Island 1

Measures to finance a citizens' dividend program from commons

chapter 12|10 pages

The commons

Legal rights and institutions to protect our common wealth

part V|48 pages

The future tasks of Korean Commons research

chapter 13|21 pages

Commons research in Korea in the 21st century

Progress and tasks