This book provides insights into the professional and personal lives of local language teachers and foreign language teachers who conduct team-taught lessons together. It does this by using the Japanese context as an illustrative example. It re-explores in this context the professional experiences and personal positionings of Japanese teachers of English (JTEs) and foreign assistant language teachers (ALTs), as well as their team-teaching practices in Japan.

This edited book is innovative in that 14 original empirical studies offer a comprehensive overview of the day-to-day professional experiences and realities of these team teachers in Japan, with its focus on their cognitive, ideological, and affective components. This is a multifaceted exploration into team teachers in their gestalt—who they are to themselves and in relation to their students, colleagues, community members, and crucially to their teaching partners.

This book, therefore, offers several empirical and practical applications for future endeavors involving team teachers and those who engage with them—including their key stakeholders, such as researchers on them, their teacher educators, local boards of education, governments, and language learners from around the world. 

chapter 1|13 pages


part I|51 pages

Power balance and lived experiences

chapter 2|15 pages

Native vs. non-native and novice vs. expert

Revisiting power inequality in team teaching

chapter 3|12 pages

From JTE to team-teaching researcher

Autoethnographic reflections

chapter 4|11 pages

An autoethnography of a long-term ALT

Living with the enabling and disabling effects of native-speakerism

chapter 5|11 pages

From housewives to ALTs

The “reconfiguration” of identity of Filipino women migrants in Japan

part II|52 pages

Teacher perceptions, selfhood, and feelings

chapter 6|13 pages

“JTEs can learn from ALTs”

JTEs' beliefs about team teaching and how ALTs influence JTEs' sense of teacher identity

chapter 7|12 pages

Recognized identities of ALTs

Looking through the lens of JTEs

chapter 8|12 pages

Exploring the role of emotion in ALTs' identity construction

An ecological perspective

chapter 9|13 pages

Correcting different errors with different identity-bound expertise

Successful practices for team teaching

part III|40 pages

Teacher learning and development

chapter 10|15 pages

Teacher learning for ALTs

Landscapes of team teacher practice and issues of participation in communities of practice

chapter 11|11 pages

Collaborative professional development in language teaching

Narratives from JTEs and ALTs

part IV|51 pages

Team teachers in elementary schools

chapter 15|10 pages

Elementary Senka/specialized English teachers (SETs)

Finding a place among the HRTs and ALTs

chapter 16|14 pages
