The Routledge International Handbook of Changes in Human Perceptions and Behaviors is the first edited volume to present multidisciplinary perspectives on various aspects of changes that humans experience.

The handbook is designed to highlight the different contents, types, ways, meanings, applications, and moments of changes that have been recognized by experts in various fields within the life and social sciences. Comprised of four sections, the chapters address changes in a variety of contexts related to human perceptions and behaviors; the moment of change and fluctuations; changes in applied settings; and the meaning of changes, including resistance to change. Written by a range of expert international contributors, the book brings together discussions and insights about how different levels and types of changes in human perceptions, attitudes, beliefs, values, and behaviors have been studied and considered in diverse fields. It also explores the various mechanisms that account for changes, exploring how and when changes occur and what changes mean to humans.

Relevant for empirical and theoretical work, the handbook will be of great interest to researchers, academics, and postgraduate students across psychology, behavioral sciences, and social sciences.

chapter |11 pages


Changes in Human Perceptions and Behaviors: Overview and Future Directions

part I|142 pages

What Changes and How

chapter 1|15 pages

“All Change is Not Growth, as All Movement is Not Forward”

How, When, and Why Social Movements Change Over Time

chapter 2|17 pages

Changes in Religious Behaviors

chapter 5|20 pages

Changes in Voting and Elections

chapter 7|14 pages

Changes in Narrative Identity

Desistance of Antisocial Behavior and Post-traumatic Growth

chapter 8|19 pages

Fluctuations and Changes in Adolescent Personality

The Tri-Directional Framework of Parent and Offspring Traits and Outcomes

part II|103 pages

When Change Occurs and How

chapter 10|14 pages

Things Change – But When?

A Top-Down Approach to Understanding How People Judge Change Thresholds

chapter 11|16 pages

From Insight to Growth

How the Quiet Ego Facilitates Decision Crystallization and the Transformative Self Turns It into Flourishing

chapter 12|18 pages

The Aha Moment

Changes in Cognition, Affect, Motivation, and Development

chapter 14|17 pages

Differential Susceptibility to Various Environmental Influences

Theory, Research, and Practice

part III|194 pages

How Changes Are Made in Applied Settings

chapter 16|16 pages

Integrity, Flexibility, and Balance

How Change Works in Psychotherapy

chapter 22|14 pages

Being an Influencer

chapter 26|13 pages

Nonlinear Biopsychosocial Resilience

Self-Organization as the Basis for a Common Framework

chapter 27|16 pages

Contributions of Narrative and Emotional Change Processes in Psychotherapy

Implications for Clinical Practice, Training, and Research