This volume presents the best scholarship from the 19th National Communication Association/American Forensic Association Conference on Argumentation, which took place July 30-August 2, 2015, at Cliff Lodge, Snowbird Resort, in Alta, Utah. The Alta Conference, first held in 1979, is the oldest conference in argumentation studies in the world and biennially brings together a lively group of scholars, representing a variety of countries, with diverse perspectives on the theory and practice of argument. The essays in Recovering Argument invite reflection upon and reconsideration of argumentation’s legacy, present status, and potential roles in social, cultural, and political life. Readers will encounter essays that treat the relationship between argumentation and memory, historical approaches to argumentation, the vitality of public and interpersonal argument, argument’s role in leadership, discursive and presentational forms of argument, and the challenges of difference. Readers also will find these topics addressed from a variety of historical, social-scientific, and critical-interpretive perspectives.

chapter |2 pages

Recovering Argument

An Introduction

part |13 pages

Keynote Address

chapter |13 pages

“Lafayette, we are Here!”

Why Did the United States Commemorate Its World War I Dead in Europe?

part |17 pages

Spotlight Panel

chapter 1|5 pages

Recovering Bruce Gronbeck

Reflection on Argument’s Role in Rhetorical History

chapter 2|5 pages

Recovering Bruce Gronbeck

Reflecting on Argument’s Role in Political Rhetoric

chapter 3|6 pages

Recovering Bruce Gronbeck at Alta

Theory and the Critic of Argumentation

part I|73 pages

Recovering Argument in History

part |36 pages

Argument in Service of Memory

chapter 4|6 pages

Stories of Origin

Recovering Atomic Histories in the Noisy Nuclear Culture of Richland, Washington

chapter 5|6 pages

Temporary Holocaust Tattoos

Recovering Signs for Collective Prosthetic Memory

chapter 6|6 pages

Gorbachev’s Argument for Perestroika

Forgotten or Remembered?

chapter 7|6 pages

“The Blind Remembrance”

Rhetorical Tensions in the 1962 Emancipation Proclamation Centennial

chapter 8|6 pages

Recovering Nature

Memory and Scientific Argument at the American Museum of Natural History

part |24 pages

Memory in Service of Argument

chapter 10|6 pages

Conspiracy as Legal Doctrine and Historiographical Framework

From the Nuremberg Trial to Contemporary Holocaust Denial Discourse

chapter 11|6 pages

Recovering Patton’s Speech

Materializing Persistent Arguments

part |13 pages

Recovering Legacies of Argumentation

chapter 14|7 pages

Me and Michael McGee

Recovering an Isocratean Tradition in the Art of Argumentation

part II|164 pages

Recovering Argument in Public/Politics

part |32 pages

Argument and the Public Sphere

chapter 16|6 pages

Recovering Rational Argument

A Case Study of MMR Vaccine Skeptics

chapter 17|6 pages

Carbon Sink

Higher Education and the Liberal Public Sphere

chapter 19|6 pages

Fact-Checking and the Liberal Public Sphere

Can Argument Be Recovered?

chapter 20|7 pages

Recovering the Potential of Argument in the Public Sphere

Moms Demand Action and Threats of Gendered Violence in the Gun Control Debate

part |31 pages

Health and/of Argument

chapter 21|6 pages

Recovering Trust

Mothers’ Anti-Vax to Pro-Vax Conversions

chapter 22|6 pages

Recovering from Autism

A Rhetorical Perspective

chapter 23|7 pages

The Logic(s) of Diagnosis

An Argumentative Analysis of Controversy Over the Inclusion of PTSD Into Official Psychiatric Nomenclature (1975–1978)

chapter 24|6 pages

Healthy Disagreement

Exploring Medical Controversies Through Structured Public Debates

chapter 25|6 pages

Recovering from Pathological Argumentation

A Theory of Argument Systems and Intersubjective Psychosis

part |32 pages

Health(y) Argument about Ebola

chapter 26|7 pages

When things Argue

chapter 27|6 pages

Ebola, Reason, and Fear

chapter 28|6 pages

Recovering Productive Pity to Motivate Americans to Corrective Action on Africa’s Ebola Crisis

Lessons From Kenneth Burke and Senator Christopher Coons

part |17 pages

Argument and Terror

chapter 31|5 pages

The Case of Shura City

Rhetorical Cartography, Argument Mapping, and the Global War on Terror

chapter 32|7 pages

Discovering and Recovering Arguments About Terror

Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama in Comparative Perspective

chapter 33|5 pages

Recovering Argument by Dissociation

ISIL, Hayat Boumeddiene, and the Networked Security State

part |28 pages

Recovering Leadership Through Argument

chapter 37|6 pages

Recovering Responsibility

The Rhetoric of Responsibility in Presidential Policy Debates

chapter 38|6 pages

Prime Minister Abe’s Critical Turn

From the Ideology of a “Beautiful Country” to the Metaphor of “Three Arrows”

part |24 pages

Public Argument on Social Media

chapter 39|6 pages


How Terministic ScreensPolarize Presidential Debates

chapter 40|6 pages

Perspective by Incongruity in Internet Memes

The Case of the 2015 Japanese Hostage Crisis

chapter 42|6 pages

Arguments for Everybody

Social Media, Context Collapse, and the Universal Audience

part III|145 pages

Recovering Argument in Theory and Criticism

part |40 pages

The Challenge of Gender

chapter 43|6 pages

The Subversive Sister

An Analysis of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz’s Appropriation of Masculine Classical Form

chapter 44|5 pages

Recovery as Discovery

Finding Lucy

chapter 45|6 pages

Argumentation in the Identity Politics of the Trans Selfie

Recovering Greek Mythology to Analyze Contemporary Gender Arguments

chapter 46|6 pages

The Restrained Tongue

Recovering Bathsua Makin’s Weapon in 17th-Century England

chapter 47|6 pages

Recovering Bodies of Argument

Refuting Rape Rationalizations in Public Discourse

chapter 48|5 pages

Virtual Violations

Shaming Rape Victims via Social Media Memes

chapter 49|6 pages

Recovering Rape

Sexual Violence in Women’s Public Address in the United States, 1848–1915

part |34 pages

The Challenge of Presentational Arguments

chapter 50|6 pages

Genre, Modality, and Written Rap Battles

A Preliminary Investigation

chapter 51|5 pages

A Critical Recovery of Images as Arguments

Manipulation, Distortion, and Debating Abortion

chapter 53|6 pages

Corporeal Anxiety

The Visual Argumentation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Tips From Former Smokers Public Service Announcements

chapter 54|6 pages

Recovering Tragedy

Tragic Argument and Nonviolent Protest

chapter 55|5 pages

Examining Presentational Devices

Strategic Maneuvering in Lipitor’s Direct-to-Consumer Drug Advertising

part |23 pages

The Challenges of/to Academic Debate

chapter 60|6 pages

Recovering Debate Coach as Civic Figure

Highly Active Debate Coaches, Their Participation in Civic Outreach Activities, and Reward Perceptions

chapter 61|5 pages

Pathos in Intercollegiate Debate

Emotion as an Argumentative Warrant

chapter 62|6 pages

Recovering and Celebrating Controversy

Justifications for Intercollegiate Policy Debate for the 21st Century

chapter 63|6 pages

Debate as Oral Activity

part |23 pages

Recovering Genres of Discursive Argument

chapter 64|6 pages

Recovering the Scientific Polemic

Exploring Alfred Kinsey’s Rhetoric

chapter 65|5 pages

Recovering that which Never was Truly Lost

Richard McKeon, the United Nations, and the Importance of Democracy in a World of Tensions

chapter 66|6 pages

Dissenting to Dispassion

Recovering Pathos in Judicial Rhetoric Through Justice Harry Blackmun’s Opinion in Callins v. Collins

chapter 67|6 pages

Recovering the Argumentative Limits of the Open Letter

Jackie Robinson’s Open Letters

chapter |1 pages

The Review and Selection Process