Professionals in many disciplines, from archeology to forensic science and anthropology, must be able to identify organic and inorganic fibers and particles. In a single source, this book presents a range of simple methods to help readers quickly characterize and identify a broad range of materials.

chapter 1|20 pages


chapter 4|8 pages

Chemical Microscopy and Microtechnique

chapter 6|8 pages

Animal Hair Identification

chapter 7|12 pages

Synthetic Fiber Identification

chapter 8|11 pages

Preliminary Examination Procedure

chapter |9 pages

Natural Fiber Appendix

chapter 9|14 pages

Textile Examination

chapter 10|12 pages

Paint Examination

chapter 11|16 pages

Soil and Mineral Examination

chapter 12|14 pages

Gemstone Identification

chapter 13|20 pages

Preliminary Examination

chapter 14|32 pages

Case 1