Until the publication of this new book there had been a lack of well-founded guidelines for evaluating concentrations of lead in soil and its relationship to human health. Thus, much confusion has existed among regulatory agencies, industries, public health officials, and the medical community about the evaluation and remedying of lead-contaminated soils.
Lead in Soil: Recommended Guidelines represents the combined efforts of a multi-disciplinary international task force from the Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health (SEGH) whose members are experts in the fields of lead pollution and toxicology. It provides an international consensus concerning environmental lead and blood lead-especially in children.
The task force evaluated the evidence and made recommendations for guidelines to appraise lead concentration. It also studied the influence of soil and other sources of lead on blood lead concentrations. A model was prepared that allows the user to select appropriate target levels of blood lead while allowing for a variety of environmental situations or regulatory criteria.

part II|2 pages

SECTION II Introduction

chapter |6 pages

SECTION HI Glossary and definitions

chapter |10 pages

SECTION IV Phased action plan

chapter V|14 pages

SECTION V Lead in soil

chapter VII|24 pages

section vn Lead in human health

part |2 pages

SUPPLEMENT II Soil sampling and analysis

chapter |10 pages


chapter |8 pages