Providing detailed analysis of the thermal comfort assessment of clothing as the basis for developing standards, this book discusses the thermal protective role of clothing as a way of modelling heat transfer from the body, general thermal regulation of humans, and the importance of globally accepted test methods and standards to improve quality.

New materials and discoveries in the study of thermal comfort necessitate the need for standard improvements and update. The development of international standards and the unification of testing methods is of crucial significance to ensure cost reduction and health protection. The book promotes instruments, methods, implementation of unified specifications, and the definition of standards so that a clear quality management system can be established, for both production systems and testing methods. It discusses standards in ergonomics of the thermal environment, clothing thermal characteristics, and subjective assessment of thermal comfort, which allows for systematic control of the measuring methods and the services and final products that are distributed on the global market.

This book is aimed at industry professionals, researchers, and advanced students working in textile and clothing engineering, comfort testing, and ergonomics.

chapter 1|5 pages


chapter 2|36 pages

Behind the Scenes

Thermal Regulation in Humans

chapter 3|40 pages

Modelling Heat Losses from the Human Body

chapter 5|13 pages

Why Use Thermal Comfort Standards?

chapter 6|9 pages

Who Creates Standards?

chapter 7|28 pages

The Standardisation of Thermal Comfort