Doing Meta-Analysis with R: A Hands-On Guide serves as an accessible introduction on how meta-analyses can be conducted in R. Essential steps for meta-analysis are covered, including calculation and pooling of outcome measures, forest plots, heterogeneity diagnostics, subgroup analyses, meta-regression, methods to control for publication bias, risk of bias assessments and plotting tools. Advanced but highly relevant topics such as network meta-analysis, multi-three-level meta-analyses, Bayesian meta-analysis approaches and SEM meta-analysis are also covered. A companion R package, dmetar, is introduced at the beginning of the guide. It contains data sets and several helper functions for the meta and metafor package used in the guide.

The programming and statistical background covered in the book are kept at a non-expert level, making the book widely accessible.

• Contains two introductory chapters on how to set up an R environment and do basic imports/manipulations of meta-analysis data, including exercises
• Describes statistical concepts clearly and concisely before applying them in R
• Includes step-by-step guidance through the coding required to perform meta-analyses, and a companion R package for the book

part I|50 pages

Getting Started

chapter 21|26 pages


chapter 2|22 pages

Discovering R

part II|234 pages

Meta-Analysis in R

chapter 523|40 pages

Effect Sizes

chapter 4|46 pages

Pooling Effect Sizes

chapter 5|34 pages

Between-Study Heterogeneity

chapter 6|10 pages

Forest Plots

chapter 7|14 pages

Subgroup Analyses

chapter 8|30 pages


chapter 9|58 pages

Publication Bias

part III|112 pages

Advanced Methods

chapter 28610|16 pages

“Multilevel” Meta-Analysis

chapter 11|26 pages

Structural Equation Modeling Meta-Analysis

chapter 12|52 pages

Network Meta-Analysis

chapter 13|16 pages

Bayesian Meta-Analysis

part IV|40 pages

Helpful Tools

chapter 39814|8 pages

Power Analysis

chapter 15|6 pages

Risk of Bias Plots

chapter 16|10 pages

Reporting & Reproducibility

chapter 17|14 pages

Effect Size Calculation & Conversion