With more consumers moving away from traditional cereal-based foods due to concerns about health impacts, including wheat intolerance, the sector must develop next generation nutritionally-enhanced cereal products to maximise market potential. Improving the nutritional and nutraceutical properties of wheat and other cereals provides a comprehensive coverage of the research into nutritional components of cereals, their interactions with the gut and the way processing can inhibit or optimise benefits. Despite the collection’s strong focus on wheat and its nutritional properties, other cereal products, including oats, rye, spelt, sorghum and millet are discussed in terms of their own nutritional value. Edited by Professor Trust Beta, University of Manitoba, Canada, Improving the nutritional and nutraceutical properties of wheat and other cereals will be an excellent reference framework for academic researchers in cereal science, arable farmers, manufacturers/suppliers of cereal nutrition products, as well as government and private sector agencies supporting cereal production.

Part 1 Nutritional properties of wheat 1.Advances in understanding the nutritional value of starch in wheat: Senay Simsek, North Dakota State University, USA 2.Advances in understanding the nutritional value of antioxidants in wheat: Trust Beta, University of Manitoba, Canada 3.Advances in understanding the nutritional value of lipids in wheat: Marina Carcea, CREA, Italy Part 2 Cereals and health 4.Cereal grains and the prevention of type 2 diabetes: Ellen Blaak, Maastrict University, The Netherlands 5.Cereal grains and the prevention of cancer: Jingwen Xu, Kansas State University, USA 6.Advances in understanding the genetics of the nutritional properties of cereals: Sachin Rustgi, Clemson University, USA 7.Understanding and optimising the effects of processing on the nutritional properties of cereals: Valerie Lullien-Pellerin, INRA, France Part 3 Developing nutritionally-enhanced products 8.Developments in wheat biofortification: Velu Govindan, CIMMYT, Mexico 9.Developing spelt-based cereal products with enhanced nutritional properties: Gagmar Janovska, Crop Research Institute, Czech Republic 10.Developing sorghum-based cereal products with enhanced nutritional properties: Dmitriy Smolensky, USDA-ARS, USA 11.Developing millet-based cereal products with enhanced nutritional properties: Gyebi Duodu, University of Pretoria, South Africa 12.Wheat flour fortification and human health: Helena Pachon, Emory University, USA