This book discusses intelligent computing through the Internet of Things (IoT) and Big-Data in vehicular environments in a single volume. It covers important topics, such as topology-based routing protocols, heterogeneous wireless networks, security risks, software-defined vehicular ad-hoc networks, vehicular delay tolerant networks, and energy harvesting for WSNs using rectenna.


  • Covers applications of IoT in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs)
  • Discusses use of machine learning and other computing techniques for enhancing performance of networks
  • Explains game theory-based vertical handoffs in heterogeneous wireless networks
  • Examines monitoring and surveillance of vehicles through the vehicular sensor network
  • Investigates theoretical approaches on software-defined VANET

The book is aimed at graduate students and academic researchers in the fields of electrical engineering, electronics and communication engineering, computer science, and engineering.

chapter 1|13 pages

Cloud-Based Underwater Ad-hoc Communication

Advances, Challenges, and Future Scopes

chapter 3|18 pages

Fog Computing Environment in Flying Ad-hoc Networks

Concept, Framework, Challenges, and Applications