"The Encyclopedia of Microcomputers serves as the ideal companion reference to the popular Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology. Now in its 10th year of publication, this timely reference work details the broad spectrum of microcomputer technology, including microcomputer history; explains and illustrates the use of microcomputers throughout academe, business, government, and society in general; and assesses the future impact of this rapidly changing technology."

entry |31 pages

Reporting on Parallel Software

entry |23 pages

Research and Development in Information Retrieval

entry |18 pages

Risk Engineering: Analysis and Management

entry |24 pages

Risk Management in Financial Services: Current Applications of Technology and Business Reengineering

entry |20 pages

Robotics, Military

entry |28 pages

The Role of Relevance in Abductive Reasoning

entry |32 pages

Scientific Visualization

entry |25 pages

Search Methods

entry |21 pages

Security and Distributed Systems

entry |19 pages

Seek Time Evaluation

entry |18 pages

Selecting Expert System Development Techniques

entry |34 pages

Semiconductor Memory Testing

entry |14 pages

Semiotics and Formal Artificial Languages

entry |23 pages

Similarity Searching in Databases of Three-Dimensional Molecules and Macromolecules

entry |20 pages

Simulation and Modeling

entry |10 pages

Simulation Technology

entry |4 pages

Simulations and Simulators—Their Role in Science and Society

entry |35 pages