This book is a guide specifically for Early Career Researchers on how to publish in the Biological Sciences, whether that be your first manuscript or if you’re already experienced – there’s something for everyone.

Following on from How to Write a PhD in Biological Sciences: A Guide for the Uninitiated, it will guide you through taking your manuscript to publication in peer-reviewed journals and disseminating your research more broadly. It talks you through the peer-review process, including how to respond to reviewers’ comments, the meaning and importance of Impact Factors and how to get citations. It also explores the challenges in the academic community around Open Access and other debates, including transparency, overlay journals, paywalls, publication bias, predatory journals and the dangers of bullying.

Whether you are a student just completing your studies, or a supervisor struggling with rejections, this book will provide the insider information you need to get ahead.

part I|80 pages

Getting ready for submission

chapter 3|10 pages

What is peer review?

chapter 4|6 pages

Transparency in publishing

chapter 5|6 pages

What can you publish?

chapter 8|12 pages

Citations and metrics

chapter 9|8 pages

Growing your network

chapter 10|14 pages


part II|50 pages

Publishing your work

part III|18 pages

After your paper is accepted

part IV|70 pages

Further challenges in academia