The second edition of this well-received text advocates for a transformational change in the way doctors protect their mental health, look out for their colleagues, co-create a kinder, more humane work culture and lead health system reform. Offering practical strategies and real solutions, based both on medical literature and the wisdom of experienced doctors, the new edition reimagines healthcare, where every doctor is encouraged and supported to:

  • Prioritise psychological wellbeing and physical protection
  • Promote healthy workplace cultures, fairness and safety
  • Build strong relationships by sharing challenges
  • Save lives through medical co-leadership
  • Rediscover the joy in medicine

Brimming with poignant and hopeful stories and quotes from a diverse array of doctors from many different specialities and at all career stages, the book is a celebration of the growing global interconnectedness and the changing face of the medical profession. An invaluable support and companion for those in the early years of medicine, Every Doctor is a must-read for all doctors across all specialties and wherever they practise in the world, because exemplary care of patients, peers, profession and self is a lifelong journey.

chapter |5 pages


Why we re-wrote Every Doctor

part 1|78 pages

Every doctor prioritising psychological and physical protection first

chapter 1|10 pages

Re-writing personal stories of hope

chapter 3|7 pages

Making time for what matters most

chapter 5|7 pages

Rethinking optimism with self-compassion

chapter 6|7 pages

Preventing and managing burnout

chapter 7|9 pages

Sleeping well naturally day or night

chapter 8|9 pages

Nurturing loving relationships at home

chapter 9|6 pages

Trusting our own treating doctor

part 2|62 pages

Every doctor promoting healthy workplace cultures, fairness and safety

part 3|66 pages

Every doctor building strong relationships with colleagues by sharing challenges

part 4|47 pages

Every doctor can save lives through medical co-leadership