Objective-C is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language that extends the C programming language with Smalltalk-style messaging. While simultaneously developing for OS X and iOS, Objective-C's capabilities have been bolstered by the inclusion of a dynamic runtime and assistance for object-oriented programming.

Objective-C: The Ultimate Guide walks developers and coders through a straightforward and practical method of learning the Objective-C programming language. This book discusses the basics in brief, and then moves on to more advanced and detailed exercises to help readers quickly gain the required knowledge. The focus in this book remains on writing optimized and well-structured code in Objective-C.


Key Features:

  • Follows a hands-on approach and offers practical lessons and tutorials related to Objective-C
  • Discusses Objective-C using real world industry concepts
  • Includes at-length discussion of Objective-C concepts to help build robust knowledge

chapter Chapter 1|66 pages

Crash Course in Objective-C

chapter Chapter 2|46 pages

OOP in Objective-C

chapter Chapter 3|64 pages

Interface and API

chapter Chapter 4|30 pages

Functional Programming

chapter Chapter 5|32 pages

Code Management

chapter Chapter 6|20 pages

Code Optimization

chapter |46 pages


chapter |4 pages

Objective-C Cheat Sheet