Many family doctors lack confidence in their treatment of skin disorders. However, once the basic principles are understood a rational approach can lead to the appropriate therapy. In this companion volume to the widely-used Differential Diagnosis in Dermatology, the same authors present a clear, logical and visual guide through the options. It offers specific advice on management of each condition, when to use ointments or creams, how much to prescribe, what active constituents should be used, what to tell patients and what to do if treatment fails or patients return.

The information contained in these two volumes provide a comprehensive reference to the diagnosis and treatment of all but the rare and esoteric, and will lead to greatly improved patient care.

chapter |16 pages

Part 1 General Principles of Treatment,

chapter |91 pages

Part 2 Treatment of Individual Diseases,

chapter |173 pages

PublC liC0 (Crab lice)