Experimental Aerodynamics provides an up to date study of this key area of aeronautical engineering. The field has undergone significant evolution with the development of 3D techniques, data processing methods, and the conjugation of simultaneous measurements of multiple quantities. Written for undergraduate and graduate students in Aerospace Engineering, the text features chapters by leading experts, with a consistent structure, level, and pedagogical approach. Fundamentals of measurements and recent research developments are introduced, supported by numerous examples, illustrations, and problems. The text will also be of interest to those studying mechanical systems, such as wind turbines.

section I|106 pages

Fundamentals aspects of experimental aerodynamics

section II|148 pages

Scalar measurements

chapter 5|34 pages

Pressure measurements

chapter 7|28 pages

Density-based methods

section III|136 pages

Velocity measurements

chapter 9|48 pages

Thermal anemometry

chapter 10|52 pages

Laser velocimetry

chapter 11|35 pages

Volumetric velocimetry

section IV|57 pages

Wall shear and force measurement