Using clear, approachable examples, Universal and Accessible Design for Products, Services, and Processes defines and differentiates accessible versus universal design, and explores their relationship in a broad societal and global context. It focuses on accessible design, including legal mandates, and guidelines from U.S. regulatory and resource agencies. Providing strategies, examples, and applications, it presents universal design principles; explores the expanding conceptualization of universal design; and discusses future directions. After reading this book, readers will be able to apply these principles to their own projects without running afoul of compliance requirements.

part |2 pages

Section goals

chapter 1|12 pages

The time has come

part |2 pages

Section goals

chapter 3|8 pages

Disability and design

chapter 4|26 pages

Accessible design

chapter |4 pages

Section goals

chapter 6|10 pages

Ergonomically sound

chapter 7|12 pages


chapter 8|24 pages

Cognitively sound

chapter 9|12 pages


chapter 10|16 pages

Error-managed (proofed)

chapter 11|10 pages

Efficient (muda elimination)

chapter 12|22 pages

Stable and predictable

chapter 13|8 pages

Equitable: Transcending, integrating

part |2 pages

Section goals