Cryptography plays a key role in ensuring the privacy and integrity of data and the security of computer networks. Introduction to Modern Cryptography provides a rigorous yet accessible treatment of modern cryptography, with a focus on formal definitions, precise assumptions, and rigorous proofs.

The authors introduce the core principles of

part |2 pages

I Introduction and Classical Cryptography

chapter 1|26 pages


chapter 2|16 pages

Perfectly-Secret Encryption

part |2 pages

II Private-Key (Symmetric) Cryptography

part |2 pages

III Public-Key (Asymmetric) Cryptography

chapter 10|52 pages

Public-Key Encryption

chapter 11|36 pages

* Additional Public-Key Encryption Schemes

chapter 12|36 pages

Digital Signature Schemes

chapter |4 pages

Index of Common Notation

chapter |6 pages

A Mathematical Background

chapter |18 pages

B Supplementary Algorithmic Number Theory