Modeling Software with Finite State Machines: A Practical Approach explains how to apply finite state machines to software development. It provides a critical analysis of using finite state machines as a foundation for executable specifications to reduce software development effort and improve quality. It discusses the design of a state machine and of a system of state machines. It also presents a detailed analysis of development issues relating to behavior modeling with design examples and design rules for using finite state machines. This text demonstrates the implementation of these concepts using StateWORKS software and introduces the basic components of this software.

chapter 1|20 pages

Evolution of Software Development

chapter 2|20 pages

The Price of Weakness

chapter 3|20 pages


chapter 4|14 pages

Finite State Machine

chapter 5|8 pages

Hardware Applications

chapter 6|22 pages

Software Specific

chapter 7|16 pages

Misunderstandings about FSM

chapter 8|22 pages

A State Machine Models Behavior

chapter 9|38 pages

Mastering Complexity

chapter 10|20 pages

0 StateWORKS

chapter 11|6 pages

1 Digital Input and Output

chapter 12|12 pages

2 Other Inputs

chapter 13|8 pages

3 Other Outputs

chapter 14|10 pages

4 Counters

chapter 15|12 pages

5 VFSM and Its Interfaces

chapter 16|10 pages

6 Debugging Vfsm

chapter 17|4 pages

7 What Is StateWORKS?