Addressing occupational exposure assessment for air contaminants as a coherent body of knowledge, this is the first book to explore occupational air contaminant measurement and properties, human exposure assessment, design of exposure strategies, and the statistical interpretation of exposure measurements in one comprehensive source. The book covers both the technological aspects of measuring air contaminants and the occupational hygiene framework within which such measurements take place. The all-inclusive exploration of the major theories and practices of occupational exposure assessment for air contaminants make this an ideal textbook for graduate or upper-level undergraduate courses.

chapter 2|14 pages

Properties of Gases and Vapors

chapter 3|8 pages

Basic Concepts of Fluid Flow

chapter 4|18 pages

Uncertainties in Physical Measurements

chapter 5|12 pages

Measurement of Air Volumes and Flow Rates

chapter 6|18 pages

Gas and Vapor Sampling Methods

chapter 9|20 pages

Basic Aerosol Properties

chapter 10|22 pages

Particle Motion in a Viscous Medium

chapter 12|26 pages

Sampling of Aerosols

chapter 13|22 pages

Direct Reading Instruments for Aerosols

chapter 14|16 pages

Sampling for Pollutants of Biological Origin

chapter 15|22 pages

Variability in Occupational Exposures

chapter 16|20 pages

Occupational Exposure Assessment Strategies

chapter 17|20 pages

Exposure Modeling

chapter 18|24 pages

Reconstructing Historical Exposures