Over the past decade ecotoxicology has emerged as a distinct subject of interdisciplinary character. Courses in ecotoxicology reflect this and are taught by specialists in chemistry and biochemistry through to population genetics and ecology. As the first textbook to incorporate all relevant aspects of chemistry, biochemistry, toxicology, physiolog

part 1|2 pages

Pollutants and their fate in ecosystems

part 2|2 pages

Effects of pollutants on individual organisms

chapter 6|26 pages

Toxicity testing

chapter 7|14 pages

Biochemical effects of pollutants

chapter 8|20 pages

Physiological effects of pollutants

chapter 9|9 pages

Interactive effects of pollutants

chapter 10|17 pages


chapter 11|14 pages

In situ biological monitoring

part 3|2 pages

Effects of pollutants on populations and communities

chapter 12|25 pages

Changes in numbers: population dynamics

chapter 13|18 pages

Evolution of resistance to pollution

chapter 14|10 pages

Changes in communities and ecosystems

chapter 15|18 pages

Biomarkers in population studies