This book explores the issues surrounding medical errors and examines the science behind possible solutions. It creates a more efficient dialogue that will produce a more systemic targeting of the causes of medical errors and HAIs. The author elucidates the problems, including the complex issues of money and ethics. He uses statistical data to build the case for systemic change and re-confirms that millions of procedures done without error is as an important measuring figure as are the numbers of mistakes.

chapter 3|34 pages

Medical Errors

chapter 6|40 pages

Hospital Epidemiology

chapter 7|8 pages

Staf‚ng and Medical Errors

chapter 9|12 pages

Shift Work and Its Impact on Medical Error

chapter 10|12 pages

Bullying and Medical Errors

chapter 14|34 pages

Legal Issues

chapter 15|12 pages

Technology and Medical Errors

chapter 18|6 pages

Perspectives of a Frontline Nurse

chapter 19|6 pages

Medical Error: A Personal Story