If you want to be a successful project manager, you need to become a person of influence. Without influence, there can be no success as a project manager. And, although all key success criteria point to the importance of developing soft skills as a project manager, few books exist about how to develop the power of influence for achieving better pro

chapter 1|18 pages

Ten Keys to Influence

chapter 2|16 pages

Practice Active Listening

chapter 3|14 pages

Develop Trust

chapter 4|12 pages

Practice Your Integrity

chapter 5|14 pages

Influence to Win

chapter 6|12 pages

Practice Your Generosity

chapter 7|14 pages

Understanding People

chapter 8|16 pages

Develop Commitment

chapter 9|10 pages

Cultivate Your Informal Power

chapter 11|22 pages

Develop and Sustain Your Influence

chapter 12|8 pages

The Myths of Influencing

chapter 13|10 pages

Summary and Conclusions