Performance Through Learning is a practical guide to the key issues surrounding knowledge management from a human resource perspective and provides incisive insights into developing a strategy linked to organizational learning. The authors present a framework and model that practitioners within organizations can adapt to increase performance through learning using knowledge management tools. The book is divided into two parts and includes:

*An overview of theory
*Case studies and practitioner stories from a range of KM initiatives
*Tools and techniques for implementing an effective KM strategy.

Written by a respected international author team, the book provides an understanding of the theory that supports knowledge management in the current business environment. Drawing upon real-life examples across a variety of organizational settings, from large global financial and professional services firms, to multinational oil and mining companies, to a small charity in the voluntary sector

part |97 pages

Setting the Context for Knowledge Management as a Method for Organizational Learning

part |249 pages

Voices of Experience: Applying Knowledge Management Tools

chapter |19 pages

Knowledge Management in the Aid and Development Sector

A Case Study in Implementation at Tearfund

chapter |19 pages

Knowledge Fuel for Fighting Fires

Knowledge Capture at Ukuvuka, a Four-Year Government, Business, and Community Partnership

chapter |21 pages

Piloting Knowledge Management

Lessons Learned from the Small-Scale Approach to Design and Implementation at ETS

chapter |19 pages

Knowledge Management at Shell

Innovation and Integration